Tuesday, March 13, 2012


The question remains to be - "is this still the appropriate time to attack the Articles?"

Technically, the defense believes so, since it would strike at their very contention that the Chief Justice was not given due process and that the Articles have no legal or factual basis.

On the part of the prosecution it feels that the issue on the validity of the Articles is already moot, now that they have rested their case.

Frankly, whatever may have happened in Congress when the Articles were being signed is their affair. Its what they call as "towing the party line" in a system to which one has pledged allegiance to. In other words, it is political and thus, it is a numbers game. If one feels aggrieved, then the system offers a remedy. If such remedy is not availed of in due time, then forever keep your silence and speak no more lest you be suspected of sour graping.

That's how it works. Sorry. Even the so-called people power is no longer a remedy.


For the general public, it seems that based on random and on the spot conversations, what is important now is for the Chief Justice to testify and tell the truth about the wealth in his name or those of his family which were so far disclosed by the prosecution.

Of course, it is clear that we are not dealing here with ill gotten wealth.

The nation will perhaps - primarily and merely asking "why is it that there were money (whether peso or dollar) and property which were not indicated, included, declared or published in his SALN?"

This question became all the more significant and must be answered when the Chief Justice assured the public that he will disclose and explain everything in due time.

As the late Sen. Ninoy would usually end his speech -


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