Many have expressed what they think and feel about the SONA. Some were satisfied, others were not and the rest would remain in a state of abstention. In just a few days more, opinions and impressions about the SONA would give way to pressing issues like the fuel price hike, peace and order, high power and water rates, release of PGMA from custody, appointment of a new Chief Justice, global economic crisis and its effect on our own as well as millions of OFW, wage increase, opposition to the RH Bill, of course - graft and corruption, effects of climate change and the pronouncement of a possible NO-EL due to budget cut. All these concerns if not addressed would have adverse effects on our country and on every individual Filipinos, here and abroad.
It is clear that the President remains strong, popular and completely in control. A great majority of legislators have expressed support for the administration. The government is intact and functioning. There is an active opposition that serves its purpose in a democracy. A military loyal to the commander-in-chief. The church remains the guardian of morality and is vocal about it. All these are reagrded as healthy for a growing nation.
Now that everything has been said and done, or to be done, it is a must to pause and pray for better times and better lives.