Wednesday, October 3, 2012


The Cybercrime Law in the Philippines took effect today. Pending the outcome of the resolution which may be rendered by the Surpreme Court on the petitions filed by various parties to declare the law as unconstitutional, this Quezonian Conscience blog has removed the "comments" tag, and instead, all comments and opinions must first be sent to for review and approval. Apologies indeed for the inconvenience, but "the law may be harsh but it is still the law", and we just want to make sure that we would not be accused of committing any of the offenses defined and penalized under the new law - merely because we allowed comments deemed defamatory to be posted, and thereafter not removed. Thereafter, once this is shared with the blog's FB account, the "share" tag will also be removed temporarily for the same reason. Therefore, it is suggested that should you wish to visit this blog regularly, kindly bookmark the URL or just type "". Thank you.