Thursday, November 29, 2012






Atty. Carlos Mayorico E. Caliwara, Dip.I.R,

SBC Law '87



The history of mankind has always been a battle between good and evil. It is a desperate and actually a hopeless struggle for world domination on the part of evil - that seeks to trample down on the good. But the battleground known as earth has seen how the good has constantly brought home the laurels of victory. The forces of good and truth have continuously been built up, reinforced and maintained. Joining in these efforts is no less than the San Beda College of Law, our Alma Mater, divinely tasked to train sentinels of truth and justice who would insure that the good will always prevail. These noble mission and sacred traditions are carried on by Bedans through the years until kingdom come.


Bedans, as aptly described in our hymn, are perpetually committed to prayer, work and peace. We are expected to have a strong faith in God and an untiring love of the truth. During our college of law days, we were trained and molded to be strong and to constantly bring honor and fame amidst trials and hardships.


The courageous members of SBC Law Batch '87 knew what they are faced with, and that is, even from the moment each had embarked on separate journeys through life. It was tough and the world has turned out to be a jungle. The significance of the law profession became even more prominent, imperative and recognized. As lawyers and as Bedans, society looks upon us and expects us to lead and make a difference in this world. We are neither viewers nor spectators, we are the prime movers and leaders.


So, as we come home from a long journey, are we bringing home the laurels? Of truth and justice? The honor of having led a moral life and an honest professional practice of law?


This is the essence of homecoming – "sharing how life has been blessed by the Lord and what we did so far for the good of humanity".


Indeed, there will be fellowships, a reunion, networking, and even an opportunity for bragging rights. These are the incidentals. At the end of the day, after the homecoming, everyone may have to ask, "did it make me or will it enable me to become a better person, a roarin 'Bedan questing for truth and justice, and leading a moral life?"


The SBC Law Batch '87 offers its continuous commitment to the Bedan ideals and principles. Faced with bigger responsibilities and more daring challenges, we shall carry on and answer the clarion call, for San Beda, our country and God !

The Next 15 Years

The true challenge ahead is what we would be confronted with, now and through the next 15 years of our respective lives.

As we celebrate our 25th year since we graduated from the San Beda College of Law, we thank God, we thank our spouses and family, we thank our Alma Mater, our professors and the entire Bedan family, and we thank
all others who have become parts of our lives.

We are fully aware that this will be our turning point where we shall embark on a personal mission - for our family, community and God.

Such mission, discerned through prayers, may be far greater and more challenging than before. The difference this time is that there can be no excuses, no ifs and buts, and no reason to fail.

Our labor is our prayer. The end would be our defining point. What we would accomplish shall be our legacy.

More than ever, let us clasp the hands that serve, keep our hearts imbued with charity, enrich our minds that care, and share the blessings that constantly pour upon us.

On our 15th year, from today, it will be our 40th year. Let us continuously pray for guidance, protection and longer life - as we bid "God Bless" and further say "till we meet again".

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Political Dynasties

In the Philippines, the 1987 Constitution has guaranteed equal opportunities for public service and thus, it has prescribed a prohibition on political dynasties from running in elections (see Section 26, Article II). However, it has mandated the legislature to define what a political dynasty is.
One may wonder as to the intention of the framers on how political dynasty must be defined. If it were their desire to ban political dynasties, why did they not define the term itself? Were they not aware that the time will come and true enough it did, when Congress will somewhat be a family affair where members of the same family will alternate in serving the people?

Generally, the perception of what a political dynasty is, would simply be a situation where family members or relatives are running for and serving in elective positions. This should differentiated from nepotism where family members are appointed to government positions or offices.

At this time, let it be made clear that there is no enabling law which defines and actually prescribes any penalty against political dynasty. Consequently, there is no political dynasty to talk about as of the moment. Legally, it is not existing and therefore, any person, whether belonging to a political clan or family of politicians, may exercise the right to run for any public office. It is the people who will decide whether they would want such member of the family or clan to elected or otherwise.

It's people's choice actually.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Observance of All Saints Day

Today, November 1, is All Saints Day and tomorrow is All Souls Day. But today, we already remember the dead. Our loved ones who have gone ahead of us.

How do we remember them?

By praying. Going to Mass. Visiting cemeteries. Gathering as a family. Writing something in one's  personal journal. Or merely blogging.

The highest form of remembering is of course through the celebration of the Holy Mass. We remember them by praying and lifting them up to God.

As we observe this solemn day praying for the faithful departed, let us remember how they became instruments of God's will and let us asked for the grace to emulate them.